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Appendix E: Identical translations from English to Romanian for *happy* and *happy*. ==================================================================================== This appendix presents an example of sentences identical in form and meaning in English and in Romanian. There are a few different ways to look at this. One way is to count the number of units in each sentence. However, this analysis does not consider the relations between elements. For example, while the number of units in the first sentence of the following pair is the same as the number of units in the second sentence, the former is organized into a more complex sentence than the latter. This more complex organization is seen when you read the second sentence. It is also possible to look at each sentence as a set of words and analyze how many words are shared in common and how many new words there are in each sentence. The first sentence, for example, shares all its words with the second. However, each has 3 new words. 1. (*Example*) Sentence 1 (English): I am happy. 2. (*Example*) Sentence 2 (Romanian): Sunt fericită. 3. Sentence 1 (English) = {happy} {i.e., happy} 4. Sentence 2 (Romanian) = {fericită} {i.e., happy} 5. Sentence 1 (English) = {happy} { i.e., felicitate } 6. Sentence 2 (Romanian) = {fericită} { i.e., felicitate } 7. Sentence 1 (English) = {i.e., felicitate} {happy} 8. Sentence 2 (Romanian) = {i.e., felicitate} {happy} In this study, I performed a conventional analysis of the translation pairs into a language the method of word frequencies ([@B16]). For the English sentences, I counted the number of units that are the same as the Roman counterpart in both original and translation. The percentages are as follows: In both versions, the translation of the English *Happy* has the same number of units as the English original, with the exception of one word in the original (the Romanian equivalent of *even happier*, *dar fericit*). The translation of the English *Happy* has the same number of units as the English original, with the exception of two




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